Found 14 results.

Competition for the best honey from the Apennine parks
(Rocca di Mezzo, 27 November 23)

(Rocca di Mezzo, 08 May 20)

(Rocca di Mezzo, 22 April 20)

Park headquarters in Rocca di Mezzo - 4 and 5 August 2018
(Rocca di Mezzo, 27 July 18)

From 17th to 19th June 2014. Majella National Park
(Rocca di Mezzo, 11 February 14)

Saturday, 20th April 2013 - Rocca di Mezzo
(Rocca di Mezzo, 21 March 13)

(Rocca di Mezzo, 30 July 12)

(Rocca di Mezzo, 02 January 12)

(Rocca di Mezzo, 29 December 11)

Thursday 5th January 2012 at 10.30 a.m., meeting at the Park Authority Head Offices in Rocca di...
(Rocca di Mezzo, 22 December 11)

4th-5th January 2012 - Multipurpose sports hall "L. Sebastiani", Rocca di Mezzo (AQ)
(Rocca di Mezzo, 22 December 11)

(Rocca di Mezzo, 01 December 11)

1 lap of the tour: Sirente Velino protected area
(Rocca di Mezzo, 26 September 11)

(Rocca di Mezzo, 06 April 11)