Name: Sirente Velino Natural Regional Park
Institutive Law: Regional Law n. 54 - 13.07.1989
Region: Abruzzo
Province: L'Aquila
Headquarters: Viale XXIV Maggio, 67048 Rocca di Mezzo (AQ)
Protected surface: 54.361,22 ha
Acciano, Aielli, Castel di Ieri, Castelvecchio Subequo, Celano, Cerchio, Collarmele, Fagnano Alto, Fontecchio, Gagliano Aterno, Goriano Sicoli, Magliano de' Marsi, Massa d'Albe, Molina Aterno, Ocre, Ovindoli, Pescina, Rocca di Cambio, Rocca di Mezzo, Secinaro, Tione degli Abruzzi.
Mountain Communities: Sirentina, Amiternina (a portion), Valle del Giovenco (a portion), Marsica I (a portion).
Main faunistic presences:
Main vegetational presences:
The adonis distorta, the holly, the anemone, the armeria, the belladonna, the spindle tree, the birch, the hawthorn, the white hornbeam, the black hornbeam, the turkey oak, the beech, the strawberry, the ash tree, the fritillaria, the major gentian, the gentianella, the lilium martagon, the juniper, the heum heterocarpum, the hypericum, the ilex, the Alpine linaria, the narcissus, the olmaria, the manna-ash, the Apennine potentilla, the ptilotrichum, the cyclocarpum, the pulsatilla, the little oak, the sesleria, the Solomon's seal, the service tree of the fowlers, the Apennine edelweiss, the lime tree, the Eugene violet.
Main mountain peaks:
Velino (m.2.486), Cafornia (m.2.424), Sirente (m.2.348), Magnola (m.2.220), Rotondo (m.2.060), Cagno (m.2.078) Sierra of Celano (m.1 .923).
Main watercourses:
The Aterno River, Rio Gamberale, Torrente Foce.