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Environmental Education - School Year 2018/2019

For the school year 2017/18, the Environmental Education Center of Sirente Velino Park managed by Soc. Coop. Sherpa/Ambecò presents to the schools of Regione Abruzzo many environmental education projects.
Thanks to the collaboration between teachers and operators of the Environmental Education Centers, a wide range of initiatives has been planned.
CEA and Sirente Velino Park always take into consideration the territory's needs, and have chosen and presented to the Schools many projects to be developed together with teachers.

For information: Environmental Education Center of Parco Naturale Regionale Sirente Velino - Strada Provinciale, 11 - Sirentina, Secinaro (AQ) - Tel. and Fax +39 0864 790107 - -

Click here to find all the Environmental Education Proposals (Italian text)

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