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Monasteries and Churches

If you visit the Park, you cannot miss its religious treasures. Besides wonderful buildings and monasteries, it is recommended to visit, preferably on foot, the rural churches and the oratories you can unexpectedly meet along lonesome and silent roads, along the transhumance trails, or in the mountains. Their landscape context and their stylistic simplicity evoke a deep sense of peacefulness.
Worth a visit: St Mary Church in Valle Porclaneta in Magliano dei Marsi, the Holy Trinity Church in Tione degli Abruzzi, Collegiata di Santa Maria del Ponte in Tione, St Lucy Abbey in Rocca di Cambio, St George Monastery in the country hamlet of Goriano Valli, and Sant'Angelo Monastery in Ocre.

For information and guided visits, considering that not all the churches are open, please contact the Park Information Points.

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