In the limits of the available resources, the
strategy planning that the Ente Park intends to
implement for bears conservation through the end
of the project, foresees the following activities:
- The Park Plane elaboration with related zoning
and regulation;
- The stabilization of the natural monitoring
activities, study and on the bear;
- It will be put on programs of maintenance
and compensation for the environmental intervention
- For forestall habitat it will be implemented
planes and models of sustainable wood management;
- For the activities referred to poisons use
and for the control of stray dogs, it will be
involved the sanitary authorities competent
on specific programs;
- For the containment of the conflicts between
wild Fauna and anthropic activities, it will
be developed the Programs for the prevention
and compensation of the damages to cultivations
and domestic cattle;
- Realization of Bear Visit Centre in Gagliano
Aterno with the aims of divulgation and sensitization
and scientific documentation collection.