In consideration of its function of ecological
bridge between Apennines protected areas (recorded
also by the preliminary studies on the Park Plan
realized by Aquila University) and the realization
of preceding projects on bear, the Sirente Velino
Park contributes on the conservation National
Plan for the bear tutelage in which are involved:
Environment Ministry, Agricultural and Forest
Politics Ministry, Forest Corps of the State,
WWF, Legambiente, National Park of the Gran Sasso
mountain and Laga mountain, National Park of Maiella
Mountain ,National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and
Molise, with which will be maintained a continuous
experiences exchange.
There are also foreseen, in the Project, moments
of meeting and experiences changes, of other Project
Life beneficiaries, with different countries,
members of European Union.
Historical outlines
Instituted by the Regional Law n°54 in
date 13/07/89, the Natural Regional Sirente Velino
Park territory was already interesting subject
of environmental associations and local press
in the years between 1960 to 1970. In 1972 there
was the first legislative recognition as "protection
Oasis" of 16.000 ha of the Sirente Velino
Mountain, besides the declaration of "Public
interest Areas" in the Rocks Upland; instead
in 1983 it was instituted the Natural Reserve
Orientated of the Velino Mountain. After some
years of difficulties administration in 1992 it
was finally introduced the first Administration
Council; and with the Regional Law n°38 in
date 21/06/96, it was sanctioned the role of the
Park in regards of Cadre Law on protected areas
of Abruzzo for Europe Apennines Park.