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Save the Bear - 2003/2007




 ph. L. Gianotti
Sirente Velino Natural Park


What's Project Life

Salviamo l'orso "Save the bear" is a project focused on the preservation and tutelage of Marsican brown bear (Ursus arctos marsicanus) and follows the guide line of the Action European Plan of the year 2000 and follows also the strategy that the Sirente Velino Project has already initiated from 1995, by carrying out other projects, financed by the European Union and regions.

Taking mostly care of the preservation, the Park has assured:

  1. The presence of 3 to 5 elements ,3 of which are permanent;
  2. The individualization of the present specimens by monitoring the "core areas";
  3. Summer 2001:Recorded the presence of one female with its puppy in one core area;
  4. Presence in CIS IT 7110075 (Common Interest Site CIS) of wintering and reproduction site, presence in CIS IT 7110073 of wintering site, presence in CIS IT 7110065 of probable wintering site.

At present, the negative data and dynamics of the marsican population of the bears in Abruzzo, which has also been testified by other beneficiaries (Life Project 99/NAT/IT/006244),have testified that inside the areas of the species, the preservation of the bears is still in emergency situation.
The first emergency in the Sirente Velino Park is safeguarding the few bears that are still present in this area.

At present the menaces are:

  1. Low percent of the structural ecological suitability in some areas inside and outside the linkage zones of the Park;
  2. Breeders crash;
  3. Necessity of deeper knowledge on the features of the bears and presence and necessity to locate the biological and ecological importance of the species in other areas;
  4. Actual and potential disturb through "core areas", through wintering areas and through individualized reproduction sites;
  5. Unsuitable consciousness of the values of the bear and its natural habitat between the local population.


The proposed project is placed on continuity lines with the strategy of bears conservation which has been adopted until now by the Park, with the introduction of significant innovative elements in reason of the new menace. The individualized actions are focused into the consolidation of the obtained results throughout medium-long terms.

Aims to obtain:

  1. Extention and widening of intervention territory necessary for the improvement of natural habitat through linkage zones used by the bear, improvement of the specimens existence (food, diffusion and reproduction);
  2. Elimination of breeders crash inside the most sensible areas frequented by bear (core areas);
  3. Starting bears data project trying to obtain a more scientific knowledge on population nucleus also by paying attention on punctuality and specification of intervention program;
  4. Reduction of the anthropic disturb in most of the areas frequented by bear (reproduction and wintering sites);
  5. To inform, to communicate and to sensitize the importance and the value of menace for bears specie, to involve the local population for the Park preservation.
ph. G. Boscagli
LifeNatura by Indeent