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Sulle tracce di San Francesco nel Parco Regionale Sirente Velino

The publication represents a sort of handbook to travel through the protected area characterized by the historical presence of Francis of Assisi and of the many testimonies to his cult, such as the system of monasteries spread all over the wide territory, the many artworks and the safekeeping by the community of the Castelvecchio Conventual Franciscans of the sacred stigmata kept in an ancient and precious reliquary.
By visiting churches and monasteries, monumental testimonies to the legendary presence of Francis of Assisi and of the franciscan cult in the Abruzzi, or by covering the trail of friar Pietro da Morrone he walked to be elected Pope, we actually start a walk to discover a cultural, historical, artistic and environmental heritage of extraordinary beauty safeguarded by the Sirente Velino Park.
  • Edited by: Oremo di Nino
  • Publisher: MAC Edizioni
  • Pages: 96
  • Size: 22,5x17cm
  • Year: 2012
  • Price: 15.00 €  
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